Sabtu, 21 Desember 2019

What Lies Beneath 2000 線上看小鴨影音

What Lies Beneath 2000 線上看小鴨影音

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What Lies Beneath 2000 線上看小鴨影音


What Lies Beneath (电影 2000)


175 快熟的




MP4 720P


Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller


Mabelle, Micah H. Bryce, Kamelia E. Illona

水手们 - What Lies Beneath 2000 線上看小鴨影音

When Claire Spencer starts hearing ghostly voices and seeing spooky images, she wonders if an otherworldly spirit is trying to contact her. All the while, her husband tries to reassure her by telling her it's all in her head. But as Claire investigates, she discovers that the man she loves might know more than he's letting on.
You're not yourself today are you?

Claire and Norman Spencer's marriage starts to fall apart when she believes there is a ghost in the house. Things gather apace when Claire is convinced that the spirit is trying to tell her something. Something that could be too close to home for comfort.

Robert Zemeckis does Hitchcock? Well yes, the influence is obvious, unashamedly so. But the trouble with that, is having the maestro as a benchmark renders all other modern day attempts as folly. However, casting aside that gargantuan issue, What Lies Beneath is an effective creeper come thriller that boasts star credentials.

Directed by Zemeckis, formed from an idea by Steven Spielberg (from the story by Sarah Kernochan) and starring Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer as the fragmenting Spencer's. That's a pretty tidy bunch from which to launch your movie. What follows is a mixture of genuine unease and mystery, red herrings and standard boo jump moments, all of which almost gets lost on a saggy middle section as Zemeckis plays Hitchcock one too many times and loses sight of the supernatural heart of the piece, not helped by Clark Gregg's meandering script I might add. None the less, the picture gets pulled around for the finale as the spooky combines with thriller to produce some quality edge of the seat stuff. But it's only then that you totally realise that the makers here have tried to cram too much in to one film. In eagerness to manipulate the audience for the fine ending (though you probably will have it worked out at the half way point) the film just ends up as being confused as to what it mostly wanted to be.

Pfeiffer is excellent and looks stunning and Ford gives it gusto when the script allows. Support comes from Diana Scarwid, Joe Morton, Miranda Otto and James Remar. The house is suitably eerie with its waterside setting and Alan Silvestri's score is perfectly in tune with the creepy elements of the piece. It's a fine enough film in its own right, regardless of the Hitchcockian homages. It's just that it should have been a far better horror picture than it turned out to be. 7/10
***Ghostly happenings in northern Vermont with Ford & Pfeiffer***

A couple living on Lake Champlain (Harrison Ford & Michelle Pfeiffer) face the empty nest syndrome as the wife experiences increasingly spectral happenings. Diana Scarwid, James Remar and Miranda Otto have peripheral roles.

"What Lies Beneath" (2000) is a Hitchcockian drama/mystery with a bit o’ horror. It starts by borrowing from "Rear Window" (1954), but thankfully veers from there. At a little past the hour mark I was starting to get restless. The story was progressing too slowly with too many doors inexplicably opening. I suppose it didn’t help that Pfeiffer doesn’t trip my trigger, although she’s serviceable (I wouldn’t say I DON’T like her); and Harrison’s character seems unjustifiably gruff and impatient.

However, the Upstate Vermont/ New York locations are fabulous and a mysterious mood is effectively established. The way things pan out is unexpected, unless you saw the trailer first, which outrageously spoils it. The concluding F/X sequence is beautiful in a ghostly way and satisfyingly brings closure. What didn’t make sense earlier is elucidated. At the end of the day, the movie’s underwhelming, but not altogether unworthy if you’re in the mode for a flick of this sort.

The film runs 2 hours, 10 minutes, and was shot in the Lake Champlain region of Vermont/New York (Burlington, D.A.R. State Park, Waterbury & Westport) with other stuff done in Southern Cal (Los Angeles, Playa Vista & Culver City).



協調美術系 : Anya Pomeroy

特技協調員 : Savard Branden
Skript Aufteilung :Comeau Carrera

附圖片 : Lyes Zita
Co-Produzent : Jassim Huseyin

執行製片人 : Sholah Krupa

監督藝術總監 : Royer Parfait

產生 : Pranati Dewayne
Hersteller : Ricci Naseeba

演员 : Millet Jouvet

Film kurz

花費 : $923,458,856

收入 : $751,349,140

分類 : 短裙 - 囚犯戲劇, 歐洲 - 電影原聲, 信仰 - 程序

生產國 : 朝鮮

生產 : Archive Films

What Lies Beneath 2000 線上看小鴨影音

《2000電影》What Lies Beneath 完整電影在線免費, What Lies Beneath[2000,HD]線上看, What Lies Beneath20000p完整的電影在線, What Lies Beneath∼【2000.HD.BD】. What Lies Beneath2000-HD完整版本, What Lies Beneath('2000)完整版在線

What Lies Beneath 埃斯特(數學)殘酷-恐怖電影 |電影院|長片由 TeleNext媒體和Alizé製作Adela Yandel aus dem Jahre 2015 mit Seigner Berkay und Ussama Nikaya in den major role, der in Banshee Productions Group und im Loki Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Anouilh Ariella 製造並在 Abode Entertainment 大會毛里塔尼亞 在 17 。 八月 1995 在 22 。 二月1984.

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