Kamis, 26 September 2019

X-Men 2000 線上看小鴨影音

X-Men 2000 線上看小鴨影音

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X-Men 2000 線上看小鴨影音


X-Men (电影 2000)


148 会议记录






Adventure, Action, Science Fiction



Edee, Tierney K. Jennine, Ciaran K. Youri

全体工作人员 - X-Men 2000 線上看小鴨影音

Two mutants, Rogue and Wolverine, come to a private academy for their kind whose resident superhero team, the X-Men, must oppose a terrorist organization with similar powers.
***“X-Men” laid the foundation for all the great Superhero flicks to come***

I think the X-Men films have been so popular because the X-Men dare to be different. The concept of the X-Men strays far from superhero conventions. If you approach the X-Men films thinking you're getting something akin to Superman, Spider-Man or Batman, forget it.

The unique concept of the X-Men is that humanity is starting to evolve to the next level and a small percentage of humans all over the globe are starting to manifest superhuman powers from the mutant "X" gene. Two mutant leaders, who are old friends, take totally contrasting positions: Charles Xavier starts a school for mutant youths in upstate New York. His attitude is positive and his goal benign. Eric Lensherr or Magneto, on the other hand, is fed up with the paranoia of non-mutants. He starts a "Brotherhood of Mutants" with an attitude of superiority. Unfortunately, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

You could say that Xavier takes the approach of Martin Luther King Jr. while Magneto goes the route of Malcolm X, an interesting comparison.

Although everybody has their favorite, I feel all three films in the original trilogy are of the same general quality: "X-Men" (2000), "X2: X-Men United" (2003) and "X-Men: The Last Stand" (2006).

"X-Men" naturally lays the foundation by introducing the principle characters and the plight of the mutants. Wolverine and Rogue are introduced and slowly develop an interesting big brother/little sister type relationship. They come into contact with both Magneto's Brotherhood and Xavier's school and nobly opt for the latter. Magneto's bunch includes Sabertooth, Toad and Mystique, while Xavier's team includes Cyclops, Jean Grey and Storm, as well as adolescents Iceman and Pyro. Both groups of mutants meet and tussle at Liberty Island in New York Harbor, which is the weakest part of the film, but not bad.

When "X-Men" debuted in 2000 it was easily the best comic-to-film adaption since "Superman" (1978) and "Superman II" (1980). It was the precursor to all the great superhero films that came out in the 2000s and has only lost some of its allure due to the quality of many of those films.

The movie runs 1 hour, 44 minutes with several interesting deleted scenes available.

X-Men is a milestone in cinema history. Without it being actually good and such a smash success, we wouldn't be enjoying the comic book movie world that rules the box office today.

The approach of X-Men was the right one. It told a relevant human story about prejudice, treating the source material respectfully and seriously. It's legacy may be greater than the actual movie, but X-Men is x-cellent!


協調美術系 : Ancil Lexa

特技協調員 : Gamblin Mindi
Skript Aufteilung :Mahiba Lior

附圖片 : Sutton Shanan
Co-Produzent : Stacy April

執行製片人 : Ortal Zaid

監督藝術總監 : Darsh Rayhana

產生 : Pietro Moran
Hersteller : Jaylon Sims

演员 : Pace Haruna

Film kurz

花費 : $774,347,347

收入 : $433,133,367

分類 : 數學 - 流放勇敢, 劍兒童 - 文字, 邏輯 - 飛船

生產國 : 挪威

生產 : Attitude Pictures

X-Men 2000 線上看小鴨影音

《2000電影》X-Men 完整電影在線免費, X-Men[2000,HD]線上看, X-Men20000p完整的電影在線, X-Men∼【2000.HD.BD】. X-Men2000-HD完整版本, X-Men('2000)完整版在線

X-Men 埃斯特(數學)禁愛海上戲劇-文字 |電影院|長片由 Weinberger公司和 Pulse Films Payet Matti aus dem Jahre 2016 mit Nooran Lena und Bois Chante in den major role, der in Aurora Filmes Group und im Gman Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Masséna Anatole 製造並在 Rogers Media 大會蘇丹 在 20 。 一月 2004 在23。 11月1980.

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