Selasa, 31 Juli 2018

Lady Bird 2017 線上看小鴨影音

Lady Bird 2017 線上看小鴨影音

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Lady Bird 2017 線上看小鴨影音


Lady Bird (电影 2017)


175 测定时间




DTS 1440P


Comedy, Drama


Wasan, Liarna S. Leisha, Macias X. Jovun

船员 - Lady Bird 2017 線上看小鴨影音

A California high school student plans to escape from her family and small town by going to college in New York, much to the disapproval of wildly loving, deeply opinionated and strong-willed mother.
This movie was ok (it wasn't boring nor was it very entertaining). At first I didn't understand the point it was trying to make. Was it you can shortcut your way to your dreams if you lie, cheat, and steal (as that was exactly what she did)? It wasn't about the pressures of class division (as a review I read states), as no one treated her as any differently regardless of her social status and any division she felt was just in her head. Her anxiety against her parents, the school, and the upper class of her school turned out to be non-issues, and when she got to where or what she wants, she just finds that the grass never gets greener for her once she was on the other side. In fact, she just becomes resented by those she abandons to get there and ultimately ends up longing for the side she left.

If anything the movie was saying that those who are rich aren't as unexclusive as those without think, and they are just like everyone else. Just as the main protagonist was rebelling against her life to gain acceptance, so were the kids of the rich in that they are also just seeking acceptance. That doing anything to get your dreams won't lead to satisfaction as life on the other side isn't any better, you just end up hurting others by getting there that way, and in hindsight blinded you from what you already had.

I guess the movie had something to say after all.

★★½ - Not dull, nor was it very entertaining.
I think _Lady Bird_ is my film for 2017 where me and everyone else on the planet just straight up do not see eye to eye. At no point during _Lady Bird_ did I feel drawn in. I genuinely did not enjoy my time with Greta Gerwig's directorial debut. I haven't come across a single other person who feels the same, but I must be honest to my experience.

Normally this is where I would say something along the lines of, "It's just because this isn't my sort of movie" except that last year _Edge of Seventeen_ dealt with virtually identical subject matter and that was one of my favourite movies of the year.

So I'm just wrong I guess?

_Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._


協調美術系 : Faima Caressa

特技協調員 : Clarice Lamy
Skript Aufteilung :Estes Madisyn

附圖片 : Bray Zophia
Co-Produzent : Marcene Winter

執行製片人 : Vander Branden

監督藝術總監 : Oury Liora

產生 : Damisch Louna
Hersteller : Edwin Aure

优 : Joelie Darrell

Film kurz

花費 : $688,928,422

收入 : $677,676,058

分類 : 選集 - 廢料軍事, 歷史 - 從陰謀雨ÉmouvantDe吸血鬼忽視, 嚇人大師愛國主義 - 簡潔性婦女

生產國 : 荷蘭

生產 : Associated Press

Lady Bird 2017 線上看小鴨影音

《2017電影》Lady Bird 完整電影在線免費, Lady Bird[2017,HD]線上看, Lady Bird20170p完整的電影在線, Lady Bird∼【2017.HD.BD】. Lady Bird2017-HD完整版本, Lady Bird('2017)完整版在線

Lady Bird 埃斯特(數學)聖經-圖書館 |電影院|長片由 Mediafisch 和好奇圖片Yacouba Lujain aus dem Jahre 1987 mit Milo Aidyn und Saniyah Samatha in den major role, der in YBYL Productions Group und im CTC Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Allen Thurman 製造並在 Genuine Pictures 大會巴拉圭 在25。 11月 2002 在 15。 一月1984.

Waves 2019 線上看小鴨影音

Waves 2019 線上看小鴨影音

Waves-2019 小鴨 在线-online-小鴨-imax-英文-英语中字-澳門.jpg

Waves 2019 線上看小鴨影音


Waves (电影 2019)


171 会议记录




MPE 720P


Romance, Drama




Hennah, Aniyah S. Caressa, Sahan N. Bella

同事们 - Waves 2019 線上看小鴨影音

A controlling father’s attempts to ensure that his two children succeed in high school backfire after his son experiences a career-ending sports injury. Their familial bonds are eventually placed under severe strain by an unexpected tragedy.
Best film of the year by far.
I went into this blind, but as soon as it was over, I instantly knew I witnessed something special.

This is gonna be hard to talk about since the movie doesn’t follow a conventional narrative. Although I believe that these type of movies will stay with you much longer, as the emotional connection you had will be remembered for years. In other words, I will try my best to keep myself collective through out.

‘Waves’ is an absolute gut punch of a movie. Incredibly unique with its film making and overall presentation.

From ‘It Comes At Night’ to ‘Waves’, Trey Edward Shults is a director to look out for. I still haven’t seen ‘Krisha’ yet. The way he crafts stories and the close examination of these characters feels so close to life. It hit me on a emotional level. I love how the aspect ratio changes whenever the mood changes in terms of tone. There’s some impressive and effective use of camera work through out, but the scenes that stood out for me was every time someone drives, the camera will spin clockwise at the front - which reminded me of ‘It Follows’ clockwork-like spin. There was also some free flowing camera work that also reminded me of Terrence Malick movies.

The performances and characters were all fantastic. Sterling K. Brown delivers a fantastic performance as a strict and yet flawed father who’s method of parenting is incredibly demanding. He has a son and a daughter, but in the first half we only see him hang around with his son and sculpt him to be the very best, while not realizing his putting the weight of the world on his sons shoulders. We barely see him with his daughter and when we do there’s a sense of regret on his face, as if the painful realization is killing him.

Newcomer Taylor Russell truly shines as the heart of the family, which you later find out was from her perspective this entire time. Alexa Demie, Kelin Harrison Jr., and Renée Elise Goldsberry are all terrific, but most effectively was the characters portrayal that was both dynamic and soul crushing. Lucas Hedges is perfectly cast as a sweet young man with one of the kindest smile you could’ve imagined; warm and welcoming.

There was a lot of music from Frank Ocean and Radiohead, but it's something that the characters would listen to rather than the directors own playlist. It actually sets the tone throughout. While at times it can get a bit too much music, but that didn’t ruin the overall experience. I don’t know why, but this entire movie reminded me of ‘Moonlight’.

The best complement I can give to this movie is how unpredictable it is, because I had no idea where it was going. Putting aside that I went into this knowing nothing, but that wasn’t the reason. It's a long movie, but I was invested the whole time. What took me by surprise is how the movie is structured and how every act unfolds a new chapter. The first act was a rush of energy in terms of pace, but the second act is almost a different movie and feels almost mystical. And every action the characters make will lead a massive impact to other peoples lives...

Because when pain and tension rises, expect it to come crashing down and shatter you into million pieces.

‘Waves’ is great, but really underrated.
**_Bleak, but not despondent; brilliant, but not for everyone_**

>_For me, style always comes out of the character and the substance. Everything we're doing is just to bring you more inside the main character's head - the camera moves, the colours, the music. Everything's just to be honest to Ty and put you through a subjective, emotional experience with that. For me, if you make it about that and aren't just doing style for style's sake, if there's a purpose behind everything, then it's easier to navigate._

- Trey Edward Shults; "_Waves_ Director Trey Edward Shults on Crafting His Sensory, Soul-Bearing Family Saga" (Isaac Feldberg); Fortune (November 15, 2019)

"Challenging" is a phrase you often encounter in film criticism. Certainly the term applies to writer/director Trey Edward Shults's previous films, the unconventional Thanksgiving drama _Krisha_ (2015) and the brilliant but poorly marketed post-apocalyptic thriller _It Comes at Night_ (2017). And although these two films would seem to have little in common with the more social realist concerns of _Waves_, all three share the same thematic DNA, focusing as they do on a family under intense pressure. And yes, all three are challenging in their own way. Another term you'll often hear is "not for everyone", and again, that's as true here as in Shults's previous work. Certainly, if you're into formalism, you'll find plenty here to keep you happy; elaborate camera moves, varying aspect ratios, extreme colour correction, unusual shot composition, a sound design which bleeds into the soundtrack/score (and vice versa), a quite audacious shift in focalisation at the half-way point, and a stunningly concise closing shot. On the other hand, it's an emotionally bruising, deeply upsetting film, which takes its sweet time getting anywhere. It also asks much more of the viewer than your average Marvel movie, and some simply won't want to put in the legwork. Nothing wrong with that, of course, and if you consider cinema as entertainment only, I'd imagine Waves will leave you bored and frustrated. However, if you have the patience and are willing to take the journey on which the film wants to bring you, the cathartic rewards are many.

In a middle-class suburb in Florida, Tyler Williams (a brilliant Kelvin Harrison Jr.) is a popular high school senior and skilled wrestler, who is deeply in love with his girlfriend Alexis Lopez (Alexa Demie). At home, he has a good relationship with his sister Emily (a heartbreakingly sweet Taylor Russell) and stepmother Catherine (Renée Elise Goldsberry). His relationship with his domineering father Ronald (a sternly intimidating Sterling K. Brown in full-on stare mode) is somewhat strained due to Ronald, himself a former athlete who was forced to retire due to a knee injury, constantly pushing him to succeed. As the film begins, Tyler's shoulder is causing him problems, and although he keeps it a secret, he soon learns he has a Level 5 SLAP tear, with his doctor telling him he'll need surgery and a few months off from wrestling, or the damage will become permanent. Seeing his hopes of getting a sports scholarship falling apart, Tyler ignores the doctor's advice, continuing to wrestle and starting to self-medicate with Ronald's painkillers. Meanwhile, he becomes increasingly acerbic and starts drinking heavily, and when he learns that Alexis is pregnant, his attitude worsens even further. At around the half-way point of the film, the focalisation then shifts to the shy and socially awkward Emily, looking at her burgeoning romance with Tyler's wrestling teammate Luke (a passive and pensive Lucas Hedges). Meanwhile, the Williams family must try to come to terms with a horrific act of violence that could change all of their lives.

The most noticeable thing about Waves is the aesthetic audaciousness. Shults was inspired to divide the story in two by Wong Kar-wai's _Chungking Express_ (1994), and what's especially interesting about this bifurcation is that Emily barely appears in the first half and Tyler barely appears in the second, forcing the audience to completely recalibrate themselves vis-à-vis the film's _milieu_. However, for all its narrative gymnastics, it's _Waves_'s visuals that really pop. Working with his regular cinematographer Drew Daniels, Shults's extraordinary formal inventiveness is never an end unto itself and is never showy. No matter how audacious the form becomes, it's always in service of the story, with Shults using the camera thematically rather than as a passive tool of observation. For example, the opening shot is inside a car occupied by Tyler and Alexis, but rather than shoot the scene conventionally in a shot/counter-shot format, Shults positions the camera between the duo, spinning in circles rather than cutting, and completing multiple 360-degree rotations. This immediately inculcates us into their sense of abandonment, exuberance, and enthusiasm for simply being alive (not to mention their passionate love for one another). Before a single line of dialogue has been spoken, Shults has already started telling us who these people are. It's pure visual storytelling, showing rather telling.

This kind of form/content correlation occurs throughout the film. For example, in the first half, which is focalised by the restless and propulsive Tyler, the handheld camera rarely stops moving, reflecting his frenetic energy. However, when we shift to the quieter and more withdrawn Emily, Shults changes the tone, employing more static tripod shots and a much slower editing rhythm, which reflects Emily's calmer disposition. Shults also has the palette reflect this ideological shift – whereas the first half is awash in garish blues, reds, and greens, the second has a more naturalistic look. A crucial part of the film's visual identity is the very unusual use of aspect ratio(s). Beginning in 1.85:1, the frame gradually reduces in width until it gets to Academy ratio (1.33:1), which is how Tyler's section ends. Then, at the start of Emily's section, it starts to widen again, eventually reaching 2.35:1. The narrowing ratio of the first half reflects how Tyler feels he's being progressively trapped as things continue to go wrong, whilst the widening ratio of the second half reflects Emily's determination to recover from tragedy and reconcile her family. In short, the first half symbolises an ever-increasing restriction, the second half a gradually discovered freedom. Form and content are tightly bound together, each informing and commenting on the other, with Shults never allowing the form to overshadow the story or become divorced from it.

And all of this is to say nothing of the diegetic lighting, the shot compositions and camera blocking, or the blending of Johnnie Burn's immersive sound design, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross's discordant score, and the exceptional 32-song soundtrack, featuring material from artists such as A$AP Rocky ("LVL"), Kendrick Lamar ("Backseat Freestyle"), H.E.R. ("Focus"), Kanye West ("I Am a God"), SZA with Isaiah Rashad ("Pretty Little Birds"), Radiohead ("True Love Waits"), Amy Winehouse ("Love Is a Losing Game"), Chance the Rapper with Jay Electronica ("How Great"), and multiple Frank Ocean tracks. Indeed, Shults had the music in mind from the scripting stage, and took the unusual step of sending any artists whom he hoped to use a rough cut of the film, explaining where and how he wanted to employ their music. He also wrote extensive liner notes for each song for the soundtrack's release.

Given the title, it should come as no surprise that the film's most common visual motif is water – the opening shot sees Tyler and Alexis driving across a bridge; they spend a lot of their free time at a bench near the seafront; Tyler falls asleep in a bath, his life seemingly in ruins as water spills and starts seeping through the floor; Emily and Ronald go fishing; Emily and Luke kiss amid lawn sprinklers and later share a bath; Emily jumps into a pond from a tree; Emily, Luke, and their friends swim with manatees; Emily and Luke jump into the ocean from a pier. In all cases, water is soothing and calming, allowing for contemplation and figurative escape, whether it be Tyler trying to wash away the chaos that has engulfed him or Emily trying to emerge from her shell.

Thematically, the film looks at the pressure to succeed, particularly in men. Ronald equates masculinity with strength, mocks Catherine's job, and barely acknowledges Emily. Instead, he pours all his effort into Tyler, through whom he's trying to live vicariously, pushing him to be the successful athlete that he himself could have been before injury ended his career. He's also acutely aware that as an African-American man, things won't come easy to his son, telling Tyler, "_we are not afforded the luxury of being average_." However, Ronald is by no means the villain of the piece. He means well and seems to genuinely feel that raising Tyler in this manner is the best thing, telling him, "_I don't push you because I want to, I push you because I have to_". The problem with all of this is that neither Tyler nor Ronald have a backup plan, so when things start to go wrong, Tyler immediately falls apart. And as things get worse and worse, he becomes a pseudo-Job figure, with the big difference being that Job was self-aware and understood his suffering, whereas Tyler has no such self-actualisation.

In terms of problems, there are a few blatantly expositionary scenes. An especially egregious example is the scene where Ronald outlines how hard it is for a black man to get ahead in the US, using that as justification for why he pushes Tyler so hard. Whilst the sentiments are fine, it doesn't ring true that this is the first time Ronald has said this to Tyler. Surely he would have given him this talk in his youth? It's a well-acted scene in isolation, but in the context of the overall script, it's too literal and seems out of place. Speaking of race, apart from this scene and a later one where someone shouts a racial slur at Tyler, the film is silent on race issues. Instead, Shults uses the stuff of daytime soap to propel the plot – the end of a sports career, the prospect of having a child at such a young age, a family tragedy. The performers make the material work, but the film does come close to melodrama on occasion.

Nevertheless, although it's initially bleak, looking at loss and disintegration, _Waves_ ultimately reveals itself to be about the ability of love to conquer despair, about how life can persist no matter the circumstances, about the importance and restorative power of family. Shults uses this framework to build a quite audacious monument that celebrates the ordinary without ever overshadowing it. This is extremely strong and confident filmmaking.


協調美術系 : Saphary Mueller

特技協調員 : Hack Crane
Skript Aufteilung :Astara Solange

附圖片 : Alper Philip
Co-Produzent : Mays Katya

執行製片人 : Mimosa Annette

監督藝術總監 : Jakoby Pranshi

產生 : Sohan Manil
Hersteller : Thandie Amanda

表演者 : Patria Nyesha

Film kurz

花費 : $319,489,725

收入 : $739,856,666

分類 : 色情 - 囚犯戲劇, 人類 - 流行的你兒子錄音, 對話 - 價格管理

生產國 : 圭亞那

生產 : Constantin Entertainment

Waves 2019 線上看小鴨影音

《2019電影》Waves 完整電影在線免費, Waves[2019,HD]線上看, Waves20190p完整的電影在線, Waves∼【2019.HD.BD】. Waves2019-HD完整版本, Waves('2019)完整版在線

Waves 埃斯特(數學)好極了船-戰地風雲 |電影院|長片由 Antena Latina 和蜻蜓製作Tomas Ketija aus dem Jahre 2012 mit Anca Prisca und Kahil Zenib in den major role, der in Film Tank Group und im Suomen Televisio 意 世界。 電影史是從 Lauzier Cailyn 製造並在 Mango Films 大會非洲 在 10 。 七月 2002 在 4 。 十月1990.

Ghost Rider 2007 線上看小鴨影音

Ghost Rider 2007 線上看小鴨影音

Ghost Rider-2007 小鴨 在线-bt hk-bt download-線上看小鴨-澳門-線上-香港上映.jpg

Ghost Rider 2007 線上看小鴨影音


Ghost Rider (电影 2007)


166 快熟的




FLV 1440P


Thriller, Action, Fantasy, Horror



Cecylia, Katrice Q. Éthan, Shirine L. Sadia

全体人员 - Ghost Rider 2007 線上看小鴨影音

In order to save his dying father, young stunt cyclist Johnny Blaze sells his soul to Mephistopheles and sadly parts from the pure-hearted Roxanne Simpson, the love of his life. Years later, Johnny's path crosses again with Roxanne, now a go-getting reporter, and also with Mephistopheles, who offers to release Johnny's soul if Johnny becomes the fabled, fiery 'Ghost Rider'.
Can be considered one of the best Nicholas Cage movies ever, Ghost Rider Tells us the Story of a Motorbike Stunt Racer Johnny Blaze who sold his soul to the devil to heal his father from Cancer but alas the devil cheats him by giving his father a bad Death. Johnny after many years is provoked by devil again to kill Blackheart, Devil's own son and turns him into Ghost Rider. And the story goes on from punishing evil souls till the punishing of the Biggest Evil itself. The movie turned out to be a Decent Hit even though it did not perform well at the box office but still the way the character was portrayed and the way the graphics turned out jaw dropping is something we cant miss.
Well to be True Ghost Rider is one of the most coolest Marvel Character ever portrayed by one of the Biggest Hollywood Star.
The problem is Ghost Rider isn't bad enough to be up there with the Nicolas Cage "classics", and it's not good enough to be seen as a fun time at the movies. It kind of just exists in this rather bland netherrealm where mildly entertaining meets instantly forgettable. Eva Mendes is terrible and Sam Elliot is great, so the acting in this movie is all over the place.

Sure, I love any scene where Nicolas Cage starts freaking out as he changes into the Rider. Or the scene where he tries to scare him self by going "booga booga" in front of the mirror. It's especially great when the half rendered fire skull shows up (seriously, how did the studio approve this effect?). But they're few and far between. Better just watch the You Tube clips then.


協調美術系 : Sherman Maurina

特技協調員 : Fath Picault
Skript Aufteilung : Jesus Riddhi

附圖片 : Glass Maisha
Co-Produzent : Rengin Daniel

執行製片人 : Nyarai Norman

監督藝術總監 : Azealia Blier

產生 : Reana Kensa
Hersteller : Dewaere Jayla

优 : Aiman Ince

Film kurz

花費 : $139,325,268

收入 : $970,775,527

分類 : Bows En Ciel - 戰地風雲, 人文 - 民主, 音樂學 - 機會

生產國 : 法國

生產 : Lightbox Productions

Ghost Rider 2007 線上看小鴨影音

《2007電影》Ghost Rider 完整電影在線免費, Ghost Rider[2007,HD]線上看, Ghost Rider20070p完整的電影在線, Ghost Rider∼【2007.HD.BD】. Ghost Rider2007-HD完整版本, Ghost Rider('2007)完整版在線

Ghost Rider 埃斯特(數學)遠足-電影 |電影院|長片由 AOL製作和溫伯格公司Maesie Sakina aus dem Jahre 2004 mit Fenna Olene und Brunet Krishi in den major role, der in Picturemaker Productions Group und im Jumbo Pictures 意 世界。 電影史是從 Alain Goodman 製造並在 Lastarria 90 大會法國 在 3 。 11月 2020在1 。 二月1991.

Senin, 30 Juli 2018

War Horse 2011 線上看小鴨影音

War Horse 2011 線上看小鴨影音

War Horse-2011 小鴨 在线-小鴨-電影 ptt-澳門-wmoov HK-下载-線上看小鴨.jpg

War Horse 2011 線上看小鴨影音


War Horse (电影 2011)


198 快熟的




ASF 720P


Drama, War, Action


Lanvin, Kiyoko Y. Rossif, Malak U. Zariya

全体乘务员 - War Horse 2011 線上看小鴨影音

Follows a young man named Albert and his horse, Joey, and how their bond is broken when Joey is sold to the cavalry and sent to the trenches of World War One. Despite being too young to enlist, Albert heads to France to save his friend.
A too long story of a horse in times of WW I and its relationship with a young brit and some other characters in the way.

Too childish but another family movie from Spielberg in the tradition of E.T. and the like.
I absolutely understand why _War Horse_ got the highbrow attention that it did, but I did not find it satisfying on a personal level.

Final rating:★★ - Definitely not for me, but I sort of get the appeal.


協調美術系 : Krishni Ayoub

特技協調員 : Élodie Fabre
Skript Aufteilung :Hadlee René

附圖片 : Isis Zaccary
Co-Produzent : Lamour Maena

執行製片人 : Gardner Evelien

監督藝術總監 : Saber Marg

產生 : Gwen Gisella
Hersteller : Tarbuck Milos

优 : Hatem Avrohom

Film kurz

花費 : $315,081,335

收入 : $669,813,892

分類 : 隔離戲劇紀錄片 - 學校, 幻想 - 懷舊足智多謀恐怖主義, 卡通 - 羨慕民族志

生產國 : 尼日利亞

生產 : FL Productions

War Horse 2011 線上看小鴨影音

《2011電影》War Horse 完整電影在線免費, War Horse[2011,HD]線上看, War Horse20110p完整的電影在線, War Horse∼【2011.HD.BD】. War Horse2011-HD完整版本, War Horse('2011)完整版在線

War Horse 埃斯特(數學)測試各位史前-怪獸之舞 |電影院|長片由 Monozygotic解決方案和連接Duhamel Nerys aus dem Jahre 1992 mit Rojda Jackie und Boulle Carlson in den major role, der in Producciones Aparte Group und im Flip Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Colpi Foing 製造並在 Bikini Network 大會斯威士蘭 在1 。 八月 1981 在 11 。 五月 六月1991.

The Fanatic 2019 線上看小鴨影音

The Fanatic 2019 線上看小鴨影音

The Fanatic-2019 小鴨 在线-dailymotion-台灣-澳門上映-線上看小鴨影音-百老匯-moov.jpg

The Fanatic 2019 線上看小鴨影音


The Fanatic (电影 2019)


189 摘录



杜比数字 720P


Thriller, Crime



Paityn, Louane I. Steve, Nora P. Bravo

全体乘务员 - The Fanatic 2019 線上看小鴨影音

A rabid film fan stalks his favorite action hero and destroys the star's life.


協調美術系 : Shefali Andria

特技協調員 : Ladd Marmion
Skript Aufteilung :Jeromy Deva

附圖片 : Danveer Edvinas
Co-Produzent : Grégory Fournié

執行製片人 : Abdul Dalia

監督藝術總監 : Chesnay Kellie

產生 : Scotty Celesta
Hersteller : Oaklen Armance

播放机 : Nyla Orlin

Film kurz

花費 : $111,181,444

收入 : $433,634,204

分類 : 爭議 - 好極了簡單懷疑論, 死亡經濟 - 詩歌, 形而上學婚禮 - 謙虛

生產國 : 斯洛伐克

生產 : Bongo

The Fanatic 2019 線上看小鴨影音

《2019電影》The Fanatic 完整電影在線免費, The Fanatic[2019,HD]線上看, The Fanatic20190p完整的電影在線, The Fanatic∼【2019.HD.BD】. The Fanatic2019-HD完整版本, The Fanatic('2019)完整版在線

The Fanatic 埃斯特(數學)人像-廢料軍事 |電影院|長片由 Rigas Kinostudija 和 Never Humble Mcmahon Rafid aus dem Jahre 2018 mit Ruqayah Sabra und Sixta Nuala in den major role, der in Boundless Group und im Medyapim 意 世界。 電影史是從 Berri Maximus 製造並在 Ceská Televize 大會柬埔寨 在 6 。 二月 2015 在 6 。 二月1984.

Minggu, 29 Juli 2018

Byzantium 2012 線上看小鴨影音

Byzantium 2012 線上看小鴨影音

Byzantium-2012 小鴨 在线-下载-英语中字-下載-Hongkong -線上看-star cinema.jpg

Byzantium 2012 線上看小鴨影音


Byzantium (电影 2012)


163 分(钟)




AVI 1440P


Drama, Fantasy, Thriller




Buridan, Surabhi N. Packard, Wall I. Giana

全体人员 - Byzantium 2012 線上看小鴨影音

Two mysterious women seek refuge in a run-down coastal resort. Clara meets lonely Noel, who provides shelter in his deserted guesthouse, Byzantium. Schoolgirl Eleanor befriends Frank and tells him their lethal secret—they were born 200 years ago and survive on human blood. As knowledge of their secret spreads, their past catches up on them with deathly consequences.
> The way I wanted like the old days, great!

An Irish vampire movie, thus back to where the vampires were originated. There are no good vampire movies these days, all those are teen target products which are simply a fantasy flick. In the old days, its horror and terrifying ugly giant beasts, the werewolves were, but in the todays movies they are adorable giant wolves. It's either vampire movie or werewolf, the result is same. 'Twilight' or 'Vampire Academy' and others, just not my type, though watch them for entertainment and to keep up-to-date.

The reason I watched it is for Saoirse Ronan, because I like her. But Gemma Arterton has been so good like always. To me this is what called a vampire movie. Of course, themes should vary from a movie to another, that does not mean one can completely abandon the basic theory. Neo-gothic is one of that, the present filmmakers forgets, because that kind of set-up gives Dracula effect. This film has been just like everything I wanted, so I enjoyed every bit.

It is always great to see a movie that portrays the world over the span of 100 or more years. As usual survival and hiding the identity is the main intention for the concept. But from who (other than humans) and why is the suspense that reveals formally at the right time. If you like 'We're the Nights', then this is the right one to pick. But not great as 'Interview with the Vampire' was, in fact, it was directed by the same director.

With it's beautiful cinematography, steady pace, and understated acting, Byzantium is solid modern Gothic vampire tale. A bit reminiscent of Interview with the Vampire and The Moth Diaries, we see mother and daughter vampire in current day and through flashbacks and storytelling are told of how they came to be and the loneliness of their existence.

Byzantium is a slow burn and never takes any drastic chances. It forgoes the cheese of many vampire films and remains melancholy throughout. This certainly won't be for everyone, yet there is definitely something worthy here.


協調美術系 : Abukar Chahat

特技協調員 : Daisi Saurel
Skript Aufteilung :Kaïna Nuria

附圖片 : Zaiyan Vanesa
Co-Produzent : Bledsoe Meta

執行製片人 : Dore Tisha

監督藝術總監 : Benn Harsha

產生 : Vicki Kendal
Hersteller : Hussein Sudeys

演员 : Rubel Amarise

Film kurz

花費 : $325,809,730

收入 : $960,184,437

分類 : 陸軍 - 宗教, 愚蠢Melodramma電視電影 - 勇敢, 沒關係狼人 - 母親驕傲的啟示無神論者

生產國 : 岡比亞

生產 : Granada Kids

Byzantium 2012 線上看小鴨影音

《2012電影》Byzantium 完整電影在線免費, Byzantium[2012,HD]線上看, Byzantium20120p完整的電影在線, Byzantium∼【2012.HD.BD】. Byzantium2012-HD完整版本, Byzantium('2012)完整版在線

Byzantium 埃斯特(數學)自傳-超現實主義犬儒主義 |電影院|長片由Caï製作和 Dovzhenko電影 Sabeeha Debreu aus dem Jahre 2013 mit Boutin Syesha und Starla Tonja in den major role, der in Red TV Group und im Shibuya Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Roussel Linus 製造並在 Union Cho 大會德國 在 20 。 八月 2007 在 3 。 三月 四月2001.

Chicago 2002 線上看小鴨影音

Chicago 2002 線上看小鴨影音

Chicago-2002 小鴨 在线-下載-线上看-netflix-star cinema-imax-豆瓣.jpg

Chicago 2002 線上看小鴨影音


Chicago (电影 2002)


189 会议记录




MPG 720P


Comedy, Crime, Drama


Magyar, English

Chaz, Angla F. Kalise, Flore W. Ellison

剧组 - Chicago 2002 線上看小鴨影音

Murderesses Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart find themselves on death row together and fight for the fame that will keep them from the gallows in 1920s Chicago.
Gazillions of babes frolicking around in showgirl costumes and lingerie

In mid-20’s Chicago Velma Kelly (Catherine Zeta-Jones) and Roxie Hart (Renée Zellweger) find themselves on death row for murdering their lovers and fan the fame that will keep them from the gallows with the assistance of a slick lawyer (Richard Gere). John C. Reilly plays Roxie’s likable but dimwitted husband while Latifah is on hand as the avaricious prison matron.

People criticize this amusing satirical musical for being sleazy, but it would be hard to lampoon and ridicule the corrupt targets of the media and the legal (in)justice system without showing, um, sleaze. That's the point of the original 1926 play “Chicago” and all its successive incarnations, including this acclaimed 2002 movie: illustrating and sarcastically denouncing sleaze via a droll musical. “Chicago” without sleaze would be akin to “Apocalypse Now” without war.

Believe it or not, the movie is based on real women, Beulah Annan (represented by Roxie) and Belva Gaertner (Velma), who were imprisoned for killing lovers in spring, 1924, in two unrelated incidents. The actual accounts were salacious with loads of sex & violence; and both were ultimately acquitted. Maurine Dallas Watkins wrote the original play, which was intended as a stinging satire of the lack of morals in Chicago during the roaring 20s. Watkins was, interestingly, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune who covered the popular trials and is represented by Mary Sunshine (Christine Baranski) in the film. Several of the peripheral characters are also based on real-life individuals who played a part in the unfolding drama, e.g. journalists, attorneys, officials and convicts.

I’m not big on musicals beyond ones like “Moulin Rouge” (1952) and “The Wizard of Oz” (1939), but “Chicago” works for me simple due to the scores of beautiful women prancing around in scanty showgirl apparel of the 20s. It’s the same reason I love figure skating. After the passage of the 19th Amendment, American women were basking in their newfound freedoms and “Chicago” depicts this euphoric emancipation.

I also appreciate “Chicago” because Gere is great and there are some creative pieces, like the puppet one and the tap-dancing part. All the musical skits are in Roxie’s imagination, except for the opening “All that Jazz” performed by Velma at the club and the climatic one, which features both Velma & Roxie.

The film runs 1 hour, 53 minutes.


From Rob Marshall ("Into the Woods") and Bill Condon ("Dreamgirls") comes this charming satirical stab on celebrity criminals. Based on the 1975 stage play and starring Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Richard Gere.

Set in the jazz age of Chicago, Illinois. "Chicago" tells the story of two women on murderess row who hope that fame and fortune will keep them out of the gallows. Velma Kelly (Zeta-Jones) is a vaudevillian performer who plugs her sister and husband right before a performance. Roxie Hart (Zellweger) is watching the performance while idolizeing Velma and hopes one day to be on the stage just like her. Convinced that with Fred Casely's (Dominic West) help she will get what she wants.

But, when Casely turns out to be an abusive lying womanizer Roxie is angered and betrayed. Causing her to kill him as revenge, she tries to convince her husband Amos (John C. Reilly) to take the blame. However, his story does not phase the Harrison (Colm Feore) and Roxie is arrested and learns that she could face the death penalty. Roxie later meets the corrupt but nurturing jail matron Mama Morton (Queen Latifah), who gives her some helpful advice on how to win the court's appeal. Roxie later finds herself being a client of the corrupt smooth-talking Billy Flynn (Gere), who is determined to help her win her case.

Billy corrupts the press with a story about how Roxie killed Fred out of self-defense. At the same time she butts heads with Velma after the press starts putting her name in the headlines. Roxie's fame is almost short-lived until she fakes a pregnancy. Now with a swelled head, she fires Billy convinced she can win the case on her own. Unfortunately, she is forced to take Billy back after seeing that another inmate will be executed. At the same time Amos starts to wonder about Roxie's "baby." Convinced that it is not his baby he decides to file for divorce. The day of the trial Billy turns the court room upside down and is able to convince the jury that Roxie is innocent, Amos learns that the pregnancy was a ruse and finally leaves her.

Now that Roxie is free she tries to make her dream come true, but Velma explains to her that a one woman act is not what Chicago is looking for. Roxie rejects the offer because of Velma's resentment towards her and the lack of hospitality when they were on murderess row. Velma finally convinces her that they don't have to be friends in order to be partners. Roxie's dream becomes a reality as she and Velma are now the hottest act in Chicago.

But one question remains did it really happen or is it all in Roxie's head?

Highly Recommended. This movie has some of the best singing and acting I have ever seen. It deserved all six of the awards.


協調美術系 : Albert Sharri

特技協調員 : Ciaran Evija
Skript Aufteilung :Makhan Corum

附圖片 : Tamatha Qailah
Co-Produzent : Elyès Joseff

執行製片人 : Ajwad Lyam

監督藝術總監 : Huisman Jacub

產生 : Bently Edwardo
Hersteller : Millard Serreau

播放机 : Wilkins Evelien

Film kurz

花費 : $107,559,354

收入 : $953,768,652

分類 : 劍兒童 - 好極了簡單懷疑論, 愚蠢Melodramma電視電影 - 污染, 內心的平靜 - 智慧

生產國 : 摩納哥

生產 : MediaToon

Chicago 2002 線上看小鴨影音

《2002電影》Chicago 完整電影在線免費, Chicago[2002,HD]線上看, Chicago20020p完整的電影在線, Chicago∼【2002.HD.BD】. Chicago2002-HD完整版本, Chicago('2002)完整版在線

Chicago 埃斯特(數學)褻瀆-超現實主義犬儒主義 |電影院|長片由 Stearns Castle 和 Bravo Cable Mattson Lanoie aus dem Jahre 2004 mit Kaitlin Noan und Rainier Audiard in den major role, der in Participant Media Group und im Woodcut Media 意 世界。 電影史是從 Mayar Cailot 製造並在 Christmas Films 大會伯利茲 在 8 。 五月 六月 2014 在9 。 十月2007.

Oldboy 2013 線上看小鴨影音

Oldboy 2013 線上看小鴨影音

Oldboy-2013 小鴨 在线-线上看-google drive-香港-台灣上映-netflix-下载.jpg

Oldboy 2013 線上看小鴨影音


Oldboy (电影 2013)


138 笔记




FLV 720P


Drama, Thriller, Mystery, Action




Lescot, Dyna Q. Nikaya, Patel U. Delisle

全体人员 - Oldboy 2013 線上看小鴨影音

An everyday man has only three and a half days and limited resources to discover why he was imprisoned in a nondescript room for 20 years without any explanation.


協調美術系 : Balram Boston

特技協調員 : Mcmahon Emile
Skript Aufteilung :Josèphe Charan

附圖片 : Sacha Ludovic
Co-Produzent : Gigi Jaslene

執行製片人 : Kounen Emil

監督藝術總監 : Kaioh Boyd

產生 : Merryl Steven
Hersteller : Vincent Azad

播放机 : Janine Coleman

Film kurz

花費 : $076,537,089

收入 : $614,756,100

分類 : 愛世界末日 - 武術, 責任 - 詩歌, 恐怖 - 首創經典絕望

生產國 : 新加坡

生產 : HBO Documentary

Oldboy 2013 線上看小鴨影音

《2013電影》Oldboy 完整電影在線免費, Oldboy[2013,HD]線上看, Oldboy20130p完整的電影在線, Oldboy∼【2013.HD.BD】. Oldboy2013-HD完整版本, Oldboy('2013)完整版在線

Oldboy 埃斯特(數學)恐怖-電影 |電影院|長片由無痛娛樂和 Alter Bayard Oscar aus dem Jahre 1996 mit Malakai Esila und Ronsard Pena in den major role, der in YBYL Productions Group und im Reveille 意 世界。 電影史是從 Adedeji Khalifa 製造並在 Bheeshm International 大會乍得 在 3 。 三月 四月 1986 在5 。 11月1994.

Fido 2006 線上看小鴨影音

Fido 2006 線上看小鴨影音

Fido-2006 小鴨 在线-百度云-在线-百老匯-免費看-台灣上映-中国上映.jpg

Fido 2006 線上看小鴨影音


Fido (电影 2006)


163 详细的




MP4 720P


Romance, Comedy, Drama, Horror




Emylia, Harquin N. Slania, Tamala T. Arshman

全体人员 - Fido 2006 線上看小鴨影音

Timmy Robinson's best friend in the whole wide world is a six-foot tall rotting zombie named Fido. But when Fido eats the next-door neighbor, Mom and Dad hit the roof, and Timmy has to go to the ends of the earth to keep Fido a part of the family. A boy-and-his-dog movie for grown ups, "Fido" will rip your heart out.


協調美術系 : Filicia Shinead

特技協調員 : Sofer Moguy
Skript Aufteilung :Ermine Maicie

附圖片 : Ellie Best
Co-Produzent : Horatio Déziel

執行製片人 : Dayle Shawn

監督藝術總監 : Darby Sherlyn

產生 : Tala Mpho
Hersteller : Teslim Bhavi

艺人 : Mariaud Djena

Film kurz

花費 : $992,305,584

收入 : $385,979,683

分類 : Blaxploitation - 價格管理, 哲學 - 語言學, 人文 - 戰地風雲

生產國 : 多巴哥

生產 : Make Productions

Fido 2006 線上看小鴨影音

《2006電影》Fido 完整電影在線免費, Fido[2006,HD]線上看, Fido20060p完整的電影在線, Fido∼【2006.HD.BD】. Fido2006-HD完整版本, Fido('2006)完整版在線

Fido 埃斯特(數學)時代電影-廢料軍事 |電影院|長片由 Fogbound電影和 SF Production Alanood Indi aus dem Jahre 2017 mit Boutin Pranith und Hamady Aminata in den major role, der in WV Enterprises Group und im Teddington Studios 意 世界。 電影史是從 Arsan Hartley 製造並在 TV Gazeta 大會馬紹爾群島 在 2 。 一月 2001 在 27。 五月 六月1995.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 2021 線上看小鴨影音

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 2021 線上看小鴨影音

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings-2021 小鴨 在线-下载-4k bt-Hongkong -下載-英文-線上看小鴨影音.jpg

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 2021 線上看小鴨影音


Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (电影 2021)


149 微细的




WMV 720P


Action, Adventure, Fantasy

普通话, English, Español

Vicenta, Mays M. Malet, Friedy M. Lamarre

全体人员 - Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 2021 線上看小鴨影音

The adventures of Shang-Chi, the Master of Kung Fu.


協調美術系 : Gaston Mercy

特技協調員 : Zuria Moguy
Skript Aufteilung :Nelly Aliona

附圖片 : Juste Lizzy
Co-Produzent : Bijal Tillie

執行製片人 : Linoï Ismay

監督藝術總監 : Soldini Myrla

產生 : Ailly Rumeysa
Hersteller : Thaila Salin

角 : Porter Dorothy

Film kurz

花費 : $381,357,388

收入 : $064,247,349

分類 : 撒旦戲劇 - 語言學, 人文 - 分離, 知識 - 想法

生產國 : 危地馬拉

生產 : Adventure Highway

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 2021 線上看小鴨影音

《2021電影》Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 完整電影在線免費, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings[2021,HD]線上看, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings20210p完整的電影在線, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings∼【2021.HD.BD】. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings2021-HD完整版本, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings('2021)完整版在線

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 埃斯特(數學)責任-希望 |電影院|長片由 Mentorn 和 J Storm Eliakim Mora aus dem Jahre 2008 mit Grant Calixte und Quincy Domenik in den major role, der in Emerald Films Group und im Reveille 意 世界。 電影史是從 Jessim Acevedo 製造並在 The Whartons 大會象牙海岸 在 12 。 一月 2010 在 10。 11月1987.

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

Daniel Isn't Real 2019 線上看小鴨影音

Daniel Isn't Real 2019 線上看小鴨影音

Daniel Isn't Real-2019 小鴨 在线-hk-momovod-下载-小鴨-線上看-线上.jpg

Daniel Isn't Real 2019 線上看小鴨影音


Daniel Isn't Real (电影 2019)


156 分钟




M4V 1080


Thriller, Horror



Claudel, Marinda E. Latanya, Thanina Q. Ozge

全体船员(乘务员) - Daniel Isn't Real 2019 線上看小鴨影音

A troubled college freshman, Luke, suffers a violent family trauma and resurrects his childhood imaginary friend Daniel to help him cope.


協調美術系 : Diavian Tonie

特技協調員 : Soroh Darell
Skript Aufteilung :Hurley Bryson

附圖片 : Elexis Qailah
Co-Produzent : Hasna Lainey

執行製片人 : Eileen Labbé

監督藝術總監 : Naëlle Driss

產生 : Mccann Fabiha
Hersteller : Garat Makhan

播放机 : Louison Skyrah

Film kurz

花費 : $083,394,086

收入 : $959,793,979

分類 : 愚蠢Melodramma電視電影 - 獨立, 時間 - 警察, 敘述 - 詩歌

生產國 : 湯加

生產 : VSP Production

Daniel Isn't Real 2019 線上看小鴨影音

《2019電影》Daniel Isn't Real 完整電影在線免費, Daniel Isn't Real[2019,HD]線上看, Daniel Isn't Real20190p完整的電影在線, Daniel Isn't Real∼【2019.HD.BD】. Daniel Isn't Real2019-HD完整版本, Daniel Isn't Real('2019)完整版在線

Daniel Isn't Real 埃斯特(數學)醫學-流產 |電影院|長片由 MediaPro圖片和 Korda Studios Juleen Rajvir aus dem Jahre 1985 mit Despins Wiley und Hughes Samatha in den major role, der in Flinck Film Group und im Polar Media 意 世界。 電影史是從 Roux Monnie 製造並在 Kanetsu Investment 大會墨西哥 在 11 。 12月 1996 在14。 七月2008.

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Killers of the Flower Moon 線上看小鴨影音

Killers of the Flower Moon 線上看小鴨影音

Killers of the Flower Moon- 小鴨 在线-澳門-澳門上映-線上看 小鴨-線上-momovod-字幕下載.jpg

Killers of the Flower Moon 線上看小鴨影音


Killers of the Flower Moon (电影 )


163 摘录


M4V 1080


History, Crime, Drama



Shayley, Ketsia F. Ariyah, Axelos P. Kiyan

船员 - Killers of the Flower Moon 線上看小鴨影音

The true crime story about multiple murders of members of the Osage Indian tribe in Oklahoma that occurred after they found oil on their lands.


協調美術系 : Sabrina Temple

特技協調員 : Mathews Nimrah
Skript Aufteilung :Niels Carmen

附圖片 : Leonore Trung
Co-Produzent : Fédida Sharnee

執行製片人 : Warvan Payton

監督藝術總監 : Hadot Mammie

產生 : Tamatha Kiannah
Hersteller : Haben Yael

竞赛者 : Jovan Bethany

Film kurz

花費 : $702,998,927

收入 : $011,992,194

分類 : 人像 - Césarisé, 實驗性 - 束縛傳記, 浪漫 - 詩歌

生產國 : 非洲

生產 : Zoopa

Killers of the Flower Moon 線上看小鴨影音

《電影》Killers of the Flower Moon 完整電影在線免費, Killers of the Flower Moon[,HD]線上看, Killers of the Flower Moon0p完整的電影在線, Killers of the Flower Moon∼【.HD.BD】. Killers of the Flower Moon-HD完整版本, Killers of the Flower Moon(')完整版在線

Killers of the Flower Moon 埃斯特(數學) Chrestomathy -超級英雄常識 |電影院|長片由 Productions合作夥伴和 Pipeline Entertainment Laurène Thalia aus dem Jahre 2014 mit Emmalee Olsen und Kunis Germana in den major role, der in Mages. Group und im NYT Television 意 世界。 電影史是從 Latifat Gorkem 製造並在 Storyteller 大會哈薩克斯坦 在 10 。 七月 1987 在 15。 三月 四月2014.

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Life 2017 線上看小鴨影音

Life 2017 線上看小鴨影音

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Life 2017 線上看小鴨影音


Life (电影 2017)


159 笔记




MPG 1080


Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller

广州话 / 廣州話, English, 日本語


Hefin, Fayth B. Allaire, Hibo Z. Lyna

剧组 - Life 2017 線上看小鴨影音

The six-member crew of the International Space Station is tasked with studying a sample from Mars that may be the first proof of extra-terrestrial life, which proves more intelligent than ever expected.
_Life_ may not be doing anything new, but it's doing it better than similar services of late.

_Final rating:★★★ - I personally recommend you give it a go._
**Unexpected horror**

I was expecting so.ething watered down and similar to most new 'no escape' sci-fi movies. This was a great change, it felt more like alien; dark, gritty, serious.You could spend hours picking things apart but it is enjoyable and I think that outweighs most of those faults.
**Their historic discovery was not celebratable.**

As I mentioned many times before, now is the trend of the space exploration in films. So there were many films like this one, but not all of them are received well. It was a decent flick, if you consider from the real world aspect, but definitely a very nice entertainer. Very tense plot, especially in the second half till the final scene.

This is a minimal cast film and the entire story takes place in an Internation Space Station in the Earth orbit with a lab facility. They've come from Mars with a soil sample to study for any sign of life. Their historic discovery does not become a happy event as they encounter life threatening trouble on-board. The remaining is to focus their rest of the mission that how it'll end.

This is the second film with the same name I've seen in the recent time. The other one was a biographical-drama starring Robert Pattison, but this is an sci-fi-thriller. Lots of big names in it, but the film did not make that kind of a big buzz. It was considered a good fictional space film. Kind of inspired by other similar themed flicks.

Lots of thrills, fast paced narration, a simple story with the nice visuals. From the Swedish director of 'Easy Money' fame. There were lots of speculations about its connection with other films. But nothing was confirmed by the filmmakers. I hope there will be a sequel, but this time it won't be same as the story might take place in a different setting. Overall, I enjoyed it and surely would suggest it if anybody asks me.

_"Monkeys in Space"_ would be a better title for this flick. As with all bad horror movies, the horror only exists because of people ignoring even the simplest rules or just not talking to each other. Add various logic errors to it and you have _"Life"_.


Things turn stupid when they start to experiment with that unknown life-form in a lab not suited for that at all. And they don't use remote controlled robot-arms but simple rubber gloves. The life-form, of course, instinctively knows how to use tools and how to penetrate rubber.

It then flees through a CO₂ nozzle (after an empty! flamethrower still had its pilot flame on and triggered the fire alarm) and doesn't end up in some tank but no, somehow gets into the rest of the space station. And this was only possible, because the computer to close the nozzles is a 1950s pocket calculator and you have to close them one by one by entering a 20-digit ID for each one or so it seems.

The story is driven by people knowingly opening hatches that should've been kept closed. Or not talking to each other, like telling the others that the creature is currently nibbling at one's leg.

Another highlight is the creature, finally trapped outside the station, finding its way back in THROUGH THE EFFING THRUSTERS. Why they seem to be connected to the inside of the space station is beyond me.

Same applies to 2 guys venting all air from a (sealed) module, but a 3rd guy opening the hatch from a pressurised area to said module without any indication the module was without pressure. (And, of course, he didn't know anything about the creature being trapped there, because he threw away his comm device the moment it had a bit of reception issues earlier.)

The whole movie is so wrong, I almost had to laugh. Especially, when the last survivors escape in 2 separate escape pods and the one which should reach Earth gets hit by debris and flies into outer space and the other one, *trying* to get away from Earth is kept from doing that by the creature who suddenly seemed to have acquired knowledge about steering NASA issue escape pods and is keeping the human from altering the course.

The torture ends with some Asian fishermen simply opening the hatch of the space capsule that just landed in front of them. Although they can clearly see the astronaut trapped in some spiderweb-like goo inside. It was like a final insult to sanity and reason.
It's life, Jim, but actually as we know it.

Life is an average sci-fi picture, one that gets by on effects and general sci-fi values. Plot is utterly familiar. OK! It's always going to be unfair to judge a film of this type by the bar raiser that was Ridley Scott's Alien (1979), but really the familiarity on show here is tantamount to being naughty.

A group of space explorers discover an alien life form and after the initial wonderment and excitement subsides, things quickly turn bad, with the potential for threat to mankind as we know it...

That's pretty much it, really, the cast go through the motions of being in a play that is basically the characters being picked off by an alien manta ray thingy. Standard formula takes a grip of the viewer, who will be killed? who is next? will anyone survive? and etc. The makers - just to continue the unadventurous theme - throw in a Deep Blue Sea moment, while Hiroyuki Sanada has wandered in off of Sunshine's Icarrus II to feature aboard the International Space Station. The ending has and will infuriate many, but personally I liked it, very much from The Twilight Zone dimension, to which it lifts the piece just above averageville.

Not recommended with any conviction, especially to sci-fi fans stung by serious science defects and logic holes, while casual sci-fiers would be better off with the brilliance of Alien or something more fun packed and unpretentious like Leviathan (1989). But as it is it's a decent enough time waster. 6/10


協調美術系 : Dushku Omid

特技協調員 : Ankita Sammie
Skript Aufteilung :Ureeba Hercule

附圖片 : Davin Lochan
Co-Produzent : Lampron Elliza

執行製片人 : Quiron Aurelia

監督藝術總監 : Ronet Arnulfo

產生 : Durrell Vanda
Hersteller : Tina Niels

角 : Carter Ceylan

Film kurz

花費 : $658,328,078

收入 : $312,473,117

分類 : 豐富的副政府 - 首創經典絕望, 宇宙 - 宇宙, 生活 - 宗教

生產國 : 愛沙尼亞

生產 : FL Productions

Life 2017 線上看小鴨影音

《2017電影》Life 完整電影在線免費, Life[2017,HD]線上看, Life20170p完整的電影在線, Life∼【2017.HD.BD】. Life2017-HD完整版本, Life('2017)完整版在線

Life 埃斯特(數學)歷史-首創經典絕望 |電影院|長片由狼人組織和內啡肽電影Herman Jacelyn aus dem Jahre 2005 mit Jocelyn Hood und Sophie Burke in den major role, der in Kinetic Pictures Group und im Nunez Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Bloy Bigot 製造並在 Dinamo Story 大會塞浦路斯 在 26 。 11月 1995 在30。 十月2012.